

    40% of enterprise employees work outside corporate headquarters. In larger, organizations that figure can reach 80%.

    The next phase of storage consolidation is under way, and it promises to dwarf the financial and operational benefits that enterprises achieved with previous consolidation projects.

    Branch office server and storage consolidation is improving storage utilization rates and extending the cost of datacenter consolidation across the enterprise. The key to achieve optimal performance is to smartly deploy WAN optimization to address the technological obstacles of the branch and remote office. Without a solution for optimizing the WAN, branch- and remote-office consolidation projects are destined to fail.

    This white paper from the Yankee Group explores how core WAN optimization technologies such as WAFS can enable organizations to addresses key challenges when consolidating such as:

  • Scalability
  • Performance
  • Reliability and resiliency
  • Security
  • Integration

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