

定于3月11-12日成都棕榈泉费尔蒙酒店国际策展公司BanYan Wisdom主办、e-works数字化企业网支持的第三届全球制造业数字化转型与首席数字官峰会2019 / 成都费尔蒙酒店 / 3月11日-12日,来自于全球创新制造企业全球首席数字官及企业高管高层代表促进研发合作并共同聚焦于 ’加速企业数字化转型, 大数据,人工智能, 电子商务,基于数字化技术的供应链管理, 工业4.0, 智能制造,工厂自动化, 配件物流,工业物联网,多学科仿真与优化,基于云计算的解决方案 等颠覆性技术。同时峰会亦将涉及到多个热门的创新数字化技术及研发云平台。

作为全球制造业数字化转型领域权威性和影响力兼具的国际峰会,本届峰会邀请了并确认了德国机械设备制造业联合会VDMA, 德国海德堡印刷,  德国西门子医疗,芬兰科尼起重机,芬兰瓦锡兰,德国陶朗分选技术,丹麦福斯分析, 法国圣戈班, 美国康明斯,瑞士迅达集团,青岛海尔集团,广西柳工,华晨宝马,新加坡冠捷科技, 美国雅培,日本三菱化学,深圳贤俊龙,瑞典Navetti 及来自于美国和印度多家知名软件公司的发言和赞助。发言嘉宾80%以上均来自于跨国企业全球总部的全球首席数字官,董事会成员及企业高管。我们诚挚希望邀请您出席本届年会。

08:40  开幕及感谢支持合作媒体e-works数字化企业网

08:45  主旨演讲Subscription Economy – How we Shape the Digital Future

– Data is the strategic asset for digital business models
– Customers struggle to evaluate effect of value offering on profits
– Analog Business is all about producing and selling a better product on marginal cost
– A digital business model requires disruption of the analog model
– Revenue will grow. If we make us depend on Utilization not Units
– Shifting Sales Approach to Manage Customer Journey
– Typical faults and roadblocks and key steps to shape your digital future
Ulrich Hermann 教授,全球首席数字官、董事会成员,德国海德堡印刷机械公司(Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG) 

09:15 联合演讲 Using AI to Move From Reactive To Proactive and Predictive Service Models 
Pascal Lancelot 先生,全球总负责人,集团数字化服务部, 瑞士迅达集团
Matthew Biskaduros 先生

09:45 Digital Strategies Today — How Digital Transformation is Revolutionizing the Manufacturing Industry & Service Business 
如今的数字化战略 – 数字化转型是如何革命性的影响到未来制造业领域
World around us is changing faster than ever. Building the right strategic response to deal with the changes is now an even more paramount than ever. In this presentation we will explore some of the key changes affecting the industries and some of the strategic responses that Wärtsilä has taken to address those with concrete examples. Key focus will be on identifying key digital actions and strategies to implement to make some of the changes possible.
•  Key trends and phenomena driving changes in industry
•  Organizing for digital – What is best for you
•  Getting closer to customer – co-creation & digital
•  Getting all out the engine – driving efficiencies through digital
•  It’s all data – How data needs to become your new treasure
Mikko Tepponen 先生,全球副总裁,数字化产品开发副总裁, 瓦锡兰芬兰有限公司


10:45 Leveraging IoT, Digital Transformation and Big Data
Juha Pankakoski 先生
Juha Pankakoski is the Executive Vice President, Technologies in Konecranes Plc. He is also a member of the Group Executive Board. Konecranes Technologies organization is responsible for innovating, researching, creating, supporting and evaluating components, modules, and concepts used in product designs and configurations, solutions that make our products smarter & connected with their surroundings, and IT tools and services that Konecranes provides to its customers and uses to run business processes. Juha Pankakoski has worked at Konecranes since 2004. He has previously held several management positions in business operations and development at Konecranes, both in Service and Equipment. Juha has a M.Sc. (Eng) degree and an eMBA. Before joining Konecranes Juha worked in telecommunications and IT.

11:15 Integrated IoT into the Service Business — How Digital Transformation will Revolutionize the Future Service Business and Expanding the Customer Relationship to Grow Top-Line Revenue 
结合物联网技术于数字化转型 助力未来制造业服务管理 
• Maturity of a service business or “Where are you with your organization and trough which phases do you have to go?”
• Disruption of our service business through IoT: Will the current rules and business models still be the same in 5 years?
• Future success factor “Who owns the data will win the service” – What does that mean for your service
• From Remote to Big Data Services – What are the possibilities the new technologies are giving us for our service offerings?
• Growing the business – New chances trough integration of new technologies into your service offerings and your customer communication
Andreas Reddemann先生,全球副总裁,全球数字化客户服务管理, 陶朗集团–陶朗分选技术

11:45 赞助商演讲时段

12:30 午宴及交流活动

13:30 The Digital Transformation of Service Supply Chains
Service Supply Chains have been digital since years. But new technologies and trends in digitalization are offering new opportunities for new supply chain models and to further shape supply chain processes for responding to growing customer expectations. In this session we will share our view on digital trends and share how Siemens Healthineers is leveraging these opportunities to enhance digitalization in Service Supply Chains
• Key drivers in digitalizing Service Supply Chains
• Why is that an opportunity for Service Supply Chains
• What are the key success factors of digitalization
• How does the digital transformation of Service Supply Chains create customer intimacy
Frank Debus 博士,全球高级副总裁,客户服务部 物流管理, 德国西门子医疗系统集团

14:00 The Business Model Change due to the Digitalization
Hanson Wang先生, 亚太区首席数字官, 法国圣戈班

– Chief Digital Officer – APAC – Saint Gobain
– Ecommerce Head – China – ABB
– 2014-2016 Gold Partner Award –
– 2015 Best Pioneer Managers –
– Vice President – Shanghai E-Commerce Association

14:30 赞助商演讲时段

15:00 茶歇休息,交换名片及展台访问

15:30 Digital Transformation and Factory Automation in China
Harry Qi先生,高级主管,数字化技术和信息化技术负责人,华晨宝马汽车
Bio: Mr. Harry Qi, Sr. Manager Digital Technology of BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd., graduated from the Institute of Disaster Prevention of China in Automation. With over 15 years of Information Technology experience in Automotive industry, he has been responsible for multiple roles and management positions like Sr. Manager IT Infrastructure & Operations, Data Privacy Protection Officer and current in the position of Sr. Manager Digital Technology in BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd.
Start from 2015, he leading the team in BMW Brilliance Automotive established the IMC(Innovation Management Council),which started the digitalization transformation journey in the company. As one of the prove of the achievements, BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd. won the award from IDC China for Leading Company Digitalization Transformation in Nov. 2016.
Today he is responsible for realizing the digital technologies implementation in the company in R&D, Manufacturing, Sales and buildup digital modern working environment. As important of the competences shift, develop a digital competences team, “fail fast, learn fast, fix fast” culture transformation in the organization.

16:00 Digital Transformation in Traditional Manufactory Company
• How digital transfer customer experience of traditional manufactory products
• How digital empower core business unites
• How digital enable new business model for traditional manufactory company, and how to compete with internet company
唐浩诚Steven Tang 先生,中国区车联网与数字业务总经理,康明斯

16:30 Internet + Construction Equipment – Xrea Industry Internet Platform from XCMG
,信息中心总经理, 徐工集团
高级工程师,中国信息化专家库专家,江苏省 “333高层次人才培养工程”人员,国家两化融合管理体系参与起草人员,江苏省企业信息化专家组成员,曾任徐工重型计算机研究所副所长,现任徐工集团信息化管理部部长,首席信息官。先后荣获“2010年中国制造业杰出CIO”、“十一五”两化融合十佳人物”、“2010年推进两化融合领军人物”、“2011年度最具价值CIO”、“十大推动人物” 、“2012年度中国优秀CIO”等荣誉称号。负责制定了徐工集团信息化“十二五”战略规划并实施,拥有13余年的大型企业IT规划和实施部署经验,企业信息技术开发应用知识深厚,具有很高的信息化前瞻性和创新能力。在张启亮同志的负责下,建设完成徐工集团全价值链一体化管控平台,包含ERP、CRM、SRM、MES、HR、DMS、BI、等系统,综合效益显著,2011年上线国内行业首家集采信息化平台,2012年电子商务促成销售20亿元,建成行业内的首家工程机械物联网应用研发中心,搭建多个徐工全球化的信息化平台,目前徐工的信息化整体水平达到国内领先,部分达到国际先进水平。张启亮发表4篇核心论文,76项软件著作权,3项发明专利,1项国家级成果一等奖,2项部级成果一等奖,多次获得国家级信息化荣誉。

17:00 赞助商演讲时段


09:00 Innovation in Parts Logistics: Predicting Tomorrow
陈宏先生, 副总经理, 后市场事业部, 广西柳工
— 2008.3-2009.12柳工配件公司副总
— 2010.1-2010.12柳工配件事业部副总,柳工配件公司常务副总
— 2011.1-2011.12柳工配件事业部副总,柳工配件公司总经理
— 2012.1-2014.12柳工后市场事业部副总,柳工配件公司总经理
— 2015.1-2017.6柳工后市场事业部配件公司常务副总
— 2017.7至今柳工后市场事业部副总经理

09:30 Digital Transformation and Cloud Solutions with IT Platform for Future Service Management
云构建服务 信息化平台
Wang Yan 先生
, 总监,海外服务部, 青岛海尔集团 
• Aug,2004-Dec,2004 Haier Quality Director
– Responsible for quality assurance and improvement of the washing machine products
• June,2011-July,2013 Haier Overseas Technical and Quality Director
– Responsible for Haier overseas service technical and quality support
• June,2013-July,2014 Haier Europe Service Director
– Responsible for service management of Haier European
• Aug,2014-Today Haier Overseas Service Senior Director
– Responsible for the overseas service system construction, service process optimization and service experience improvement

10:00 Optimizing Customer Experience by Using Standard Operating Procedures
林凯剑Douglas Lim先生
,助理副总裁, 全球客户服务负责人, 新加坡冠捷科技
Over the years, I had about 18 years of working experience in the Aftersales Service sector, spanning different industries (Banking, IT, Home Appliances, Mobile, and Industry Hardware), and likewise different company and country cultures (local Singaporean, Japanese, Korean, American, European, Taiwanese and Chinese). I have intensive knowledge in Aftersales framework, SOPs, KPIs, BPM, OBM and ODM support, cross-culture and cross-industry management, and Change Management.

10:30 茶歇休息,交换名片及展台访问

11:00 Is Industry 4.0 just a Buzz in India
拉杰什·纳特(Rajesh Nath)先生,总裁兼董事总经理, 德国机械设备制造业联合会
Mr. Rajesh Nath has more than 27 years of experience working in various industries in Germany and India. He is accorded the “Cross of the Order of Merit” – highest civilian award from the German President, for promoting Indo-German Trade. He has a degree in Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) with distinction. He also has a Business Management Degree (First Rank, Gold Medal). Further he did an International Business Program from the reputed Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Joka in 2004. Mr Nath joined the Indian office of The German Engineering Federation (VDMA) as General Manager in 1999. He was appointed Director of the company in 2002. Since 2008, he is heading the organisation as Managing Director. During this period the export of German machinery to India has increased almost 6 folds and the number of VDMA members in India now stands at around 550. Mr Nath started his professional career in Germany with Rheinische Kalksteinwerke, Wülfrath where he worked from 1991 – 1993. He then joined KHD Humbold Wedag, Koeln in Environmental Technology Division and worked there from 1993 till 1997. Mr. Nath is a Fellow Member of International Council of Consultants, Member of Institution of Engineers in India, Fellow member of Mining, Geological and Metallurgical Institute (MGMI) and other well know bodies in India. He is also actively involved in social work with the NGO – KADAM which provides livelihood solutions to women and youth in the rural areas.

11:30 The intersection of technology and customer experience in the field – How to change and adapt to growing customer expectation
Joseph Chua 先生
,亚太战略服务总监,美国雅培公司Abbott Laboratories
Bio: Joseph Chua has 21 years of experiences in Healthcare industry, worked in various function from Business Development, Healthcare informatic consultation to Service operation, in difference multinational companies. For past 6 years, Joseph has been leading the countries service team, driving commercial and operation excellence, which delivered customer satisfaction and revenue growth for the service business.
Recently, Joseph took on a new role with Abbott as Strategic Service Senior Manager, APAC region, with the responsible to implement and maintain the effectiveness of service operation system, and develop service strategies for the region as enabler to drive grow. Field Service optimization is one of the key area to deliver productivity & customer delight, by leveraging Lean processes, Technology and Data Analytics.
Joseph Chua graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics from the University of Hertfordshire, UK in 1996.
Prior to his leadership positions in Abbott Laboratories, Joseph Chua was the Country Service Manager & Informatic Business Manager for GE Healthcare, Asean. Prior that he was Image management Consultant for Siemens Healthcare, Asia Pacific and Business Manager for Agfa Healthcare, Asean.

12: 00 The new age of digital transformation ‐How can you use change management to keep pace with the latest trends in technology
数字化转型与未来技术创新趋势 助力制造业服务升级
Steven Tu 先生, 副总裁,  亚洲服务部总负责人,丹麦福斯分析仪器公司

12:30 赞助商演讲时段



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